Look what I made
TO watch animation go here

Dutch lesson of the week

I like cheese!:Ik ben dol op kaas!

penguin dollar

hey soon the dollar will come out in club penguin.


New Mission

That says it all.....

Um Hi,Again

So....I saw A show called Fred. Everyone has heard of him right?My new poll will be do you like Fred...dont know why i jst wanted to.



I see that Dargongold Just posted a post.AWSOME!


whats up

Hey guys its me dargongold! Club Pengs let me add some post to this site so now we can both post stuff okay bye.


Featured Igloo

Comic of the week


On my last post I meant an update will come out telling how to be in it......

Ghost In the boiler rooom

Hi Fredkruger2 here...

Just making an announcement.....people have been asking when and where our movie will be filmed so people can be in it...

Just letting you know that it will come out as soon as possible thnx for your time Bye

Fall Fair!

WOO HOO FALL FAIR IS ON.....................

Comic of The week

Another sneak peak

Well, I went on the Club Penguin Website today,and I saw this little picture as a hint for the fall fair posted by billy bob.Can u guess what it is?

Featured Igloo

My youtube page

Fall Fair Game prevew

Hello friends! The Fall Fair Party 2008 arrives next Friday. The Billybob you have posted on the What's New Club Penguin about it. Many of the penguins said they loved the fun last year, and much of that fun back again to the party. And there are also many new things to come, including games, in this case the game Puffle Paddle, is there.

New Mission

Hello friends! Today the blog of cp, a new news came out, posted by Billybob, and he gave us a sneak peek of the new mission that is scheduled for the penguins had asked very Outubro.Muitos that were a new mission, but the Billybob , Said he was still a little early for the launch, and only gave us a sneak peek.

What do you think of the image? He will give us more details soon, so stay tuned. Remember to pass all the missions before they spend it! And also in 't forget that the Fall Fair starts this Friday so get ready.

The Billybob also advised regarding the Fall Fair for us not forget to return the tickets to the box office ticket out before us.

It was all friends!

Sneaknpeak of the fall Fair

Fall Fair

What comes tomorrow? Surely we do not get much time to think! Answer: Tomorrow, the Fall Fair Party 2008 comes to Club Penguin! It will be even more exciting than the other, I hope. Repair, that talking to many penguins, are very anxiously for the morrow!
Get ready for the Big Feast, there will be many new games, entertainment, and very excited for sure ... Get ready for the morrow!


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